Monday, November 23, 2015

What I'm Thankful For

     Since this is around the Thanksgiving time, I thought I'd post about what I'm thankful for.
     In RTI( homeroom), and Spanish at school, my teachers- Mr. A!, and Mrs. C.!- have been telling us more and more about the benefits of being thankful, and kind. And part of that is to write letters of gratitude to the people you have met that have had a memorable impact on you. Doing random acts of kindness can have a huge impact on people, and yourself! It'll make them feel good, and you, too! Any small act of kindness will do, and it is never wasted.
     I am so thankful for my family, especially in these past few months, since we've been so busy with our 8th grade play production. All of our hard work has finally paid off! Hallelujah! They have committed so much time and effort, and I'm so grateful. Thank you so much, from the Hag!
     I'm also thankful for my friends. Without them, I don't know how I'd survive middle school! Thanks soooo much!!
     I'm also thankful that America is the land of the free. My dream is to open a bookstore in Paris, France(or America....I just want to go to Paris :), and being in America can help me do that.      
     I'm also thankful that I have words. I know that's weird, but it's true. I aspire to be an author, and I can't do that without words. They are all around you, and you just have to put them together, and bam! you have a story. It's probably also why this is pretty long.......

     We all have a lot to be thankful for. What do you have? Post a comment. I'd like to hear about it! And tell your friends. Maybe they'd like this, too!
     Ciao for now!