Hey, Readers! This page is all about STAR WARS!! The funny, the sad, the strange, and the mystery of the Siblings. This page will hold many spoilers of the new Star Wars move: The Force Awakens. *TELLING YOU NOW- be forewarned*.
This is a really funny movie mess up from the first movie that came out-#4.
The storm trooper on the right bashes his head in the bottom of the door. Not the leader, but the follower. It's realllllyyyy funny, especially in the movie, where they added a thump when he hits his head.
***SPOILER!!!*****-New one: Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens
So, Rey is picked up on a nobody planet by a nobody storm trooper named FN-2187. Po the rebel person named him Finn, and that was a really important moment. The thing is, the only reason that Finn as able to get near BB-8 and Rey was because he picked up Po's jacket after the crash on Jakku. Before that when Rey was in her 'house', did you notice the doll with the orange flight suit? And the helmet in the picture below is Luke's helmet from the past 3 movies. Remember the weird insignia?

***Another Spoiler***
Ok, so we know that Ben Solo ( Kylo Ren) is Han and Leia's son, so who are Rey's parents?
In her vision, she sees a ship flying away. And it looks like the Millennium Falcon. Luke's and Anakin's light- saber calls to her, she has the force( which was only really found in Luke's family), and the grandma-alien that Finn,Han, and Rey met said that the only person who could come back to her was Luke. How could she know how to pilot the Falcon, talk to Wookiees, and fight better than Ben Solo with a light saber? The only option is if she's Luke's daughter.
So, my friend Konrad thinks it's hilarious that Han Solo died. Now, my teacher and I think that it was really sad. I was crying! But, I think that Ben is still good. What about you? I think that he will go back to the rebels in the next to movies (yes, there are going to be two more...George Lucas always works in threes).
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