This quote describes me in part because we face these choices everyday. Our choices decide every little thing about our future. Now, I'm a sort-of believer in karma, or fate, or you get what you give, or whatever you want to call it, because it's happened to me. When I've been nice to people or when I've done something goes, it usually comes around again, like someone makes me laugh when I have a bad day, or someone does something special for me. That is why I try to be the best me I can be, so I can do unto others the goodness and kindness that people have shown me. Keep the paradox going, you know?

This quote defines who I am almost to the core because there are some things in life that I love to leave to chance, but there are other things that do my best to change. For example, I don't mind leaving the finding of my soul mate, or even my outfit to chance, because I know that they're out there somewhere, and that I'll find them eventually, and because I know that I have a good enough fashion sense to put together an entire outfit in about 5 minutes, just looking at my closet( yes, I am that talented :).
But, picking my friends, and making special memories, that I have to have a hand in. It's hard to make friends on accident, and you might meet people who you absolutely want to hang out with, and some you might not want to. You have to decide what's right for you. Some of the best moments happen, because you choose to enjoy them for what they are- a chance happening that turned out to be wonderful. By spending time with those you love and care about, you can make more of those wonderful moments happen. ( ok...maybe still chance, but you chose to hang with those friends, right?)