Saturday, February 6, 2016

Pictures are Worth 1000 Words

     SO, this assignment is to write about a picture on the internet, as a person in the photo, taking the photo, news reporting the photo, etc., etc. So, here goes nothing folks...



     Droid hero from the newly-released Star Wars film, The Force Awakens, has just been introduced to a brother from another mother in his Disney family. And what a brother! Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) and BB-8( Star Wars) have finally, after a long wait, been introduced. Shortly before, BB-8 was introduced to the star of Big Hero 6 Baymax, and the two of them had a wonderful time playing tag and other fun games.

      But, I digress. Back to the new reunion.  Doesn't it look like they're having so much fun?? And, OOOHHH!!!!!, they are sooo cute together. Piggy back rides galore! They are totally compatible!
     Hold on. Greg? What was that? They have been like that for 4 hours? Well, how the time flies! It looks like BB-8 is reeaally patient. And a good thing, too. I guess Stitch just wanted a 4-hour hug. Who doesn't when they're hugging some really cute character, right? Oh, Lilo's just arrived to take Stitch back home to Hawaii.
     Stitch, do you have a minute? Thanks. So, how do you think it went? Were you excited to meet BB-8?
     " Oha-na."
     Can you repeat that?
     "Oha-na means family. And family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."
     Oh.Thank you Stitch, and Lilo. I'm sure that we will meet again soon, and that BB-8 might visit. I think he needs a break from all of the fighting up on the other side of the universe. Have a nice trip, guys, and thanks for the interview!!
   So, BB-8, how was your time with your new friend?
   " Beep-beep-beep-boop. Bee-beep?"
    Come again?

    Well, that answers that question. Thank you so much for your time today, BB-8. See you soon. Say hi to Rey and Fin for me the next time you see them. 
    Thanks, you too. And to all of you who tuned in to this exciting interview with BB-8 and Stitch, thank you and good night. And tune in next time for more exciting behind the scenes interviews with your favorite movie characters. 
    This is Padfoot, signing off until next time. 

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