Saturday, January 30, 2016

Uhh...Wacky Science Meiosis Child- Priscilla

SOOOO, in Science class, we are learning all about Meiosis. All about it, seriously.  We had to do a hands-on activity, to get the 'gamete',then 'combine' gametes with another group to get an offspring. This is what came out of the interaction. Introducing.....Priscilla.( She might end up in one of my stories...maybe looking a little different. You never know...=). 

This post is from the perspective of a proud parent who's child is incredibly popular....well, here goes. 
   Priscilla's friends are always coming over, and always calling. Funny, but she doesn't have a phone. The land line is always full of messages and whatnot. Especially from boys. We live in a society that is so diverse, that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. Some people try to put her down, saying that 'everything special about her came from a lab bottle', and that she's 'a science experiment gone wrong'( catch the allusion?). But, no one is a match for her inner beauty and self-love and of course, her friends.  For a while, she couldn't see the beauty that everyone else saw, she just knew that she had a good heart. Then, out of the blue, a new kid in her grade tells her that she's beautiful, and that really changed her. From then on, she never put herself down, never was negative about herself, and never judged others. After this boy called her beautiful, she saw in herself what others already knew. 
     Since then, she's only blossomed more, and had way more self confidence. The boy moved away, and yet she still believed in herself. When the local gang of bullies was picking on her friend, she stood up for them and gave them and told them off. The boy changed her life. It made her see herself in a better light, one that didn't involve putting herself down. Now, she is always smiling and laughing, and everyone wants to be nice to her. She's better off now than she was, and I know that whatever happens, she is going to be just fine. She has a spirit of fire-she's a fighter.


    Thanks for tuning in, and I hope you enjoy this story and more to come. If anyone has any good ideas that they'd like to share, please comment below. 

~Rey Black

p.s. did any of you get the allusion? here's a clue:

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