Yeah. K. Lets do this. As I am listening to Fall Out Boy playlist (Starting with Immortals from Big Hero 6). sOOOO.......
One hour-ish to go before my class goes to the Holocaust Museum. We've been studying the Holocaust in class for the past month or so, and now we are actually going to the museum, and are going to get firsthand(-or-secondhand, considering only a few survivors are left in Skokie) experience of what happened back then. The pictures below are true pictures from the Holocaust.One I know is definitely from Auschwitz. I feel so sad just thinking about what happened during Hitler's reign.
(My teacher impressed on us the importance of not stealing pictures off of the internet. So, these pictures are credited to their rightful owners who posted them on google, that I am borrowing. Thank you.)
My mother is Jewish, and my father is Catholic, and so I am in the perfect medium and celebrate everything from both religions. This-the trip- will most likely be really hard for me, because this is a huge part of my heritage. I will probably break down crying, and my classmates will say something like 'It's not that sad. What's wrong with you?'

Their morale must have been so low that many of them must have committed suicide. It just seems so sad, that much death, and-I say this with scorn- only 23 Nazis went on trial at Nuremberg, and only-like- 3 of them were actually condemned, and they committed suicide in the jail before they could be brought to justice through the death penalty. It must be a vice with all of the Nazis. They all-or almost all- died or committed suicide. *sniff* At least they decided for themselves what they wanted to do with their lives- kill themselves or mass murder a bunch of Jews.
OOOKKKK...enough of that horrid talk. Time for more fun stuff. I'll split it into the next post to make it easy. =)
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