Saturday, January 30, 2016

Uhh...Wacky Science Meiosis Child- Priscilla

SOOOO, in Science class, we are learning all about Meiosis. All about it, seriously.  We had to do a hands-on activity, to get the 'gamete',then 'combine' gametes with another group to get an offspring. This is what came out of the interaction. Introducing.....Priscilla.( She might end up in one of my stories...maybe looking a little different. You never know...=). 

This post is from the perspective of a proud parent who's child is incredibly popular....well, here goes. 
   Priscilla's friends are always coming over, and always calling. Funny, but she doesn't have a phone. The land line is always full of messages and whatnot. Especially from boys. We live in a society that is so diverse, that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. Some people try to put her down, saying that 'everything special about her came from a lab bottle', and that she's 'a science experiment gone wrong'( catch the allusion?). But, no one is a match for her inner beauty and self-love and of course, her friends.  For a while, she couldn't see the beauty that everyone else saw, she just knew that she had a good heart. Then, out of the blue, a new kid in her grade tells her that she's beautiful, and that really changed her. From then on, she never put herself down, never was negative about herself, and never judged others. After this boy called her beautiful, she saw in herself what others already knew. 
     Since then, she's only blossomed more, and had way more self confidence. The boy moved away, and yet she still believed in herself. When the local gang of bullies was picking on her friend, she stood up for them and gave them and told them off. The boy changed her life. It made her see herself in a better light, one that didn't involve putting herself down. Now, she is always smiling and laughing, and everyone wants to be nice to her. She's better off now than she was, and I know that whatever happens, she is going to be just fine. She has a spirit of fire-she's a fighter.


    Thanks for tuning in, and I hope you enjoy this story and more to come. If anyone has any good ideas that they'd like to share, please comment below. 

~Rey Black

p.s. did any of you get the allusion? here's a clue:

Friday, January 29, 2016

Harry Potter

Hey, here's some fun Harry Potter stuff, just 'cause!

 All true Harry Potter fans-let's just take a moment to grieve the loss of Alan Rickman.... who played Snape. H was amazing, and we must cherish the Harry Potter movies he's in. Always. He once said that when he turned 80, he would still read the Harry Potter books. When his family asks him 'after all of this time?', he would say 'always'....sorry crying as I'm typing......AHHHHHH!!! He will never turn 80..........It reads:

Three children have become adults since a phone call with Jo Rowling, containing one small clue, persuaded me that there was more to Snape than an unchanging 
costume, and that even though only three of the books were out at that time, she held the entire massive but delicate narrative in the surest of hands. 'I have just returned from the dubbing studio where I spoke into a microphone as Severus Snape for absolutely the last time. On the screen were some flashback shots of Daniel, Emma, and Rupert from ten years ago. They were 12. I have also recently returned from New York, and while I was there, I saw Daniel singing and dancing (brilliantly) on Broadway. A lifetime seems to have passed in minutes. 
It is an ancient need to be told in stories. But the story needs a great storyteller. Thanks for all of it, Jo. 
Alan Rickman'

There are no words to express how shocked and devastated I am to hear of Alan Rickman's death. He was a magnificent actor & a wonderful man.

Another quote that someone made up is: "You know George, I'm going to heaven. How do I know? Because together we're the Holy Spirit. You're Holey, and I'm dead. Please don't cry..."....that was really just sad. They would never see each other grow old. Except for year 4...George could never make a Patronus after Fred died- every happy memory that he had has Fred in it. That just makes ms so sad.....I'll say good-bye for now on a most depressing note......


FOOOOOOOODODDDD!!! *insert Jazz hands**Yeah!*

 This post is all about-you guessed it-FOOD! Food, food, glorious food! How easily the teenage mind turns to food, right? Hey, I'm 14, I'm allowed to think that way. 
        One of my favorite all time memories is when I was younger, between KDG, and 4th grade. Every Sunday morning, my Dad, my sister, and I would make pancakes. Preferably chocolate chip, or blueberry. So, my dad would teach us how to mix the batter from scratch, and how to use the griddle, and flip. I used to be so scared of the stove top, but my dad cured that, and I'm now cooking full meals, like eggs for the breakfast, or burgers for dinner( when my mom lets me).   After all of the batter was used, we brought everything to the table, like all of the condiments.Then, we would load them up, and have a wonderful breakfast.I just remember the fun and family bonding time that we had, and I really miss that. We just got so busy with sports and homework as we got older that we just haven't done it anymore, and I really miss that. Now, it's just a quick scrambled eggs, or omelet for breakfast, and my sister and I do it without our dad. It's just not the same. But, on Christmas, we made eggnog pancakes for breakfast after opening presents. They were deliciously amazing. It sounds really weird, but the really were good. Who doesn't love eggnog? It's a holiday tradition!

Every Thanksgiving, my mom makes the most wonderful green bean casserole. I remember when I was younger, that was the only way that I would eat green beans. It was my favorite food, other than mac& cheese. Green bean casserole still is my favorite food. I guess that I grew more mac&cheese. I can make it on my own now. This past Thanksgiving, I helped my mom make it. It was really fun. My favorite part is when we put the fried onions on the top and in it, to give it a little crunch...and a little snack for the chefs that made it. It is one of my favorite things to eat over the holidays, or even just anytime. I love it!

My favorite restaurant in the entire world was extended-family owned. It was called Bogey's. It was a barn before it was remodeled into a restaurant. It was my favorite place to go for dinner, I went every year for my birthday.  Since we knew the owners, they always knew when we were there, so they always gave us a giant cookie cake for dessert. One of my favorite memories was when my family had  a surprise party for me there. It was so much fun.. I had no idea that it was coming. =) A few years later, we did one there for my mom. It was after my sister's karate tournament. She- and I for a few years- did ISKC- Illinois Shotokan Karate Club,  since we were 5. Now, she is a full-fledged black belt. She kicks butt! Seriously. She's really good. I took it since I was five, but I only did it for a couple years. It really wasn't for me.....but I digress. We had my mom's party there, and a few years later it closed. I'm still really sad about that. But, still, that remains to this day my favorite restaurant. I'm really sad it's gone, but I'm really glad that I have those memories. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Review on A Prince for Christmas

    This is  now one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time! Sorry, but I'm a sucker for cute Christmas romance movies. 
     "A Prince for Christmas" is about a prince being forced into an arranged marriage, and then running away a week before the wedding. He ends up in New York, and meets  Emma, a now-single lady that is forced to raise Alice (her sister) alone, and run a diner to keep their house after their parents died in a car crash. When Prince Duncan comes things seem to be looking up, but are they? Going by the name of 'David', he stays behind in Aurora to help Emma with the diner, and ends up falling in love in the process. Just saying-twist ending. It was awesome. And yet, of course you want another movie, even though it is not a cliff hanger. It was just the right ending, I just wish there was another one.=)
     You can't go wrong with this one of you love these kinds of movies. It was brilliantly done. I think you'd enjoy it. On a scale of 1-10, I would give it 9 3/4. =). If you choose to watch it, enjoy it!


p.s. isn't Kirk Barker kinda cute? or is it just me?

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Summing Up New Years =)

     Summing up 2015, I could only use the word wonderful. I mean it. Seventh grade for me was a wonderful year. Shout out t one of my teachers-Mr. G!- for those wonderful  Flipper Fridays and fun units on Animal Cruelty, The Twilight Zone, 12 Angry Men, and all of the rest. Thank you so much! The next word I would describe it as magical. My family came from Arizona during the summer, and I got my tonsils out. My aunt loves to go antiquing, so we went into so many small shops. I also made many wonderful memories with my friends during the year, especially on Halloween. He, he Blues Brother.  Anyway, the beginning of my 8th grade year couldn't have been better.
     If I had to describe 2016, I would say it would be 'Amazing Learning'. I would love to finish one of my story ideas, and draw pictures to match. I'm not half bad, if I do say so. And this new year is going to be one of amazing learning. Amazing because I feel like I'm really growing up and becoming more of my own person, and because I'm finally graduating 8th grade. I never thought I'd make it for some reason. I can still remember my first day of KDG. Weird, how time seems to fly. And learning because you never stop learning, especially as you get older. Outside of school, you learn more about life and culture. School teaches you some things about life and culture, but some things you have to find out for yourself.
     In 2016, I really want to spend more time with my family, writing out my story ideas( I have quite a few), and training for basketball. I got a basketball hoop for Hanukkah, and a basketball last year for Christmas. I can't wait to get started training. Me playing basketball is kind of funny, actually. I am 4'11.75".  I think I'm actually the shortest girl in my grade. I play hard ball. Don't mess around with me, my defense is spot on. I think that the only way that I can make the team next year is if I can be a point guard ( dribbler). I can shoot 3's, and beat everyone down the court. I just have to work  on my dribbling skills....I think I have a chance. I have all summer to practice, right? Voice of optimism!
     I hope that I end up writing my story- or at least one of them- by the end of next year. But hey, genius can't EVER BE RUSHED!! EVER!
     We'll see. You never know. I might even be published.

p.s. check out I know this has nothing to do with the New Year, but trust me on this. All of you Harry Potter fans will love it!

Monday, January 4, 2016

What I Got For Christmas

     I had a very Weasley/Potter Christmas!
Decoy Deconators and Time Turners Galore!